One of the most common heating system problems is not changing the filter often enough.
As the cool weather of fall and winter sets in, countless people across the country find themselves suddenly facing all sorts of heating system problems. These range from the avoidable to the inconvenient to the massively troubling. Below you will find some of the most common heating system problems, their causes, as well as how to handle them. It’s always best to be prepared.
Not Keeping Up With Maintenance
The best way to avoid surprise problems, breakdowns, and hazards is by keeping up with regular inspections. Regular inspections will help your appliance run more reliably and be overall more efficient whenever you need it.
Dirty Filters Cause Problems
It is incredibly important to clean your filters regularly and make sure they stay that way. Clogged and dirty filters limit airflow, which makes your furnace work harder. This wastes energy and can cause your filter to wear down over time. A clogged filter can even possibly cause damage to the limit switch, which controls the fan.
Wear And Tear
Normal wear and tear can cause all manner of problems over time, which is what makes regular inspections so important. It is important to catch these things early before they become large inconvenient or expensive problems. These heating system problems include airflow issues, heat-control related problems, and even potentially dangerous overheating.
Furnace Issues
Furnaces can have a range of temperature issues. If they do not heat at all, this can mean that there are issues with the thermostat setting, gas, power, or the pilot light. If a furnace heats somewhat, but not enough to be truly functional, you may have a clogged filter on your hands. It is also entirely possible that the furnace is the wrong size for the space it occupies.
We Can Help Solve All Of Your Heating System Problems
If you searching for the best heating system for your residential or commercial property, you can trust International Services. We are the trusted HVAC repair technicians for families in the Maryland and Virginia areas, and we have been keeping residents comfortable for almost ten years. We provide you with the highest quality services for the best possible price, and we never cut corners. For more information about our services, contact us online or by calling (202) 241-4822, (703) 445-7766, or (301) 534-4822. Do you want more tips on keeping your home cool? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.